Oracle 12c Database installation (software only) on OEL5.11

For installing the Oracle 12cr1 software, the following pre-requisites must be met.

1.1  Pre-requisites

1.1.1        Exporting the display

Since Linux is command line based operating system, we need to export the display of the local machine from where you are logging into the Linux server.
Before exporting the display, you need to run the VNCServer.
Then execute xhost + as root user and then login as local user using vncviewer.
To verify, enter the command:-

The clock should display the same time as your local machine.

1.1.2        Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA) - Getting Started (Doc ID 314422.1)

Test "Oracle Database 12c R1 (12.1.0) Preinstallation (Linux)" executed at 13-Dec-2017 14:08:40

Test Results

ID     NAME                 RESULT  VALUE
====== ==================== ======= ==========================================
A00100 OS Certified?        PASSED  Adequate
A01020 User in /etc/passwd? PASSED  userOK
A01040 Group in /etc/group? PASSED  GroupOK
A01050 Enter ORACLE_HOME    RECORD  /data/prod/apps12/db/tech_st/11.1.0
A01060 ORACLE_HOME Valid?   PASSED  OHexists
A01070 O_H Permissions OK?  PASSED  CorrectPerms
A01210 Enter JDK Home       RECORD
A01220 JDK Version          FAILED  JDK home is missing
A01410 oraInventory Permiss PASSED  oraInventoryOK
A01420 Other OUI Up?        PASSED  NoOtherOUI
A01430 Got Software Tools?  PASSED  ld_nm_ar_make_found
A01440 Other O_Hs in PATH?  PASSED  NoneFound
A02010 Umask Set to 022?    PASSED  UmaskOK
A02030 Limits Processes     PASSED  Adequate
A02040 Limits Stacksize     FAILED  HardHigh
A02050 Limits Descriptors   PASSED  Adequate
A02170 JAVA_HOME Unset?     PASSED  UnSet
A03100 RAM (in MB)          PASSED  60418
A02210 Kernel Parameters OK PASSED  KernelOK
A02300 Tainted Kernel?      PASSED  NotVerifiable
A03010 Temp Adequate?       PASSED  TempSpaceOK
A03020 Disk Space OK?       PASSED  DiskSpaceOK
A03050 Swap (in MB)         RECORD  59167
A03100 RAM (in MB)          PASSED  60418
A03150 SwapToRam OK?        PASSED  SwapToRamOK
A03500 Network              PASSED  Connected
A03510 IP Address           RECORD
A03530 Domain Name          RECORD
A03540 /etc/hosts Format    PASSED  Adequate IPv4 entry
A03550 DNS Lookup           PASSED  Host correctly registered in DNS
A03600 ip_local_port_range  PASSED  RangeOK
A04301 OL5 Server RPMs OK?  PASSED  OL5rpmsOK
A04302 OL5 32-bit Client RP PASSED  OL5rpmsOK
A04303 OL6 Server RPMs OK?  SKIPPED NotOL6
A04304 OL6 32-bit Client RP SKIPPED NotOL6
A04305 OL7 Server RPMs OK?  SKIPPED NotOL7
A04311 RHEL5 Server RPMs OK SKIPPED NotRedHat
A04312 RHEL5 32-bit Client  SKIPPED NotRedHat
A04313 RHEL6 Server RPMs OK SKIPPED NotRedHat
A04314 RHEL6 32-bit Client  SKIPPED NotRedHat
A04315 RHEL7 Server RPMs OK SKIPPED NotRedHat
A04321 SLES11 Server RPMs O SKIPPED NotSuSE
A04322 SLES11 32-bit Client SKIPPED NotSuSE
Result file: output/collect/DB_HCVE_A_DB12R1_lin_res.htm

1.2  Installation

Go to the folder where Oracle 12cr1 installer files are residing in Linux Server.
In our case following is the location,
cd /data/prod/apps12/db/tech_st/sw/12cr1/database

Run the Installer by executing the following command.

When the install wizard Welcome screen comes up, click on Next.
On the Install Software Updates screen, enter your My Oracle Support user name and password if you want. Otherwise skip you can skip. Click the Next button to continue.

You have the option of performing
-          Create and configure a database
-          Install database software only
-          Upgrade an existing database

Choose – Install database software only
 Click the Next button to continue.

In our case, we ignored email address specification and went ahead.


You have the option of performing
-          Single Instance database installations
-          Oracle Real Application Clusters database installation
-          Oracle RAC One Node database installation

Choose Single Instance database installation
 Click the Next button to continue.

This screen will ask you to choose Product Languages, please select appropriate language (English in our case)

Click Next button to continue -

You have the option of performing
-          Enterprise Edition
-          Standard Edition
-          Standard Edition One
Oracle ebs r12 must have Enterprise Edition, so we choose the same and click on next button.

On the Choose Oracle Home Directory either type in or Browse to the location which you wish to use as the Oracle home. Click the Next button to continue.

Specify OS group for OS user

Summary page -

Click Install to proceed.

Post installation, please execute below script using root user

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