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Showing posts from August, 2019

Job Role Separation (JRS) - RAC/Non-RAC environments

Job Role Separation (JRS) environment when deploying Oracle Grid Infrastructure is about having 2 different users for GI and DB installation. In our scenario, we will have oracle for database installation and oraasm for Grid Infrastructure installation Checklist for Job Role Separation (JRS) environment- 1. setuid bit - As root, change the file permissions of the oracle executable under the <Grid_Home>/bin and the <db_home>/bin, to 6751 This is basically used on binaries when you would like OS user A to execute binary X which owned by user B preserving privileges of user B. # cd <Grid_Home>/bin # ls -l oracle # chmod 6751 oracle # ls -l oracle -rwsr-s--x 1 grid oinstall 173515905 May 21 17:04 oracle This is the setuid bit, and this must be set in order for users, other than "Grid" user to have it work. (same applies to the db_home) # cd <ORACLE_Home>/bin # ls -l oracle # chmod 6751 oracle # ls -l oracle 2. Both us

Lessons learnt from fresh ebs r12.2 installation on Oracle Linux 7

1. Preinstaller rpms are great and your files are backed up under /var/log/oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall/backup sysctl.conf resolv.conf grub.cfg 2. orakernel.log often ignored should be reviewed after installing both rpms oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall 3. applmgr and oracle have oinstall as common primary OS group. applmgr does not have dba as secondary group. 4. Starting from OL7, user limits are not stored in /etc/security/limits.conf. There will be .conf files created under /etc/security/limits.d  that are read by systemd during server startup  5. resolve.conf file will be overridden if you have DNS1/2 directives in your network configuration files - /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* You can make resolv.conf immutable to changes or remove directives DNS1/2 in your network configuration files.