Using Kfed utility for ASM

1. How To Gather & Backup ASM/ACFS Metadata In A Formatted Manner version 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2 and 12.1? (Doc ID 470211.1)
2. SRDC - How To Collect The Required Information For Support To Validate & Troubleshoot ASM/ASMLIB Issues. (Doc ID 1678592.1)
Understanding kfed –
    kfed is an undocumented ASM utility that can be used to read and modify ASM metadata blocks. It is a standalone utility, independent of ASM instance, so it can be used with either mounted or dismounted disk groups. The most powerful kfed feature is its ability to fix corrupt ASM metadata.

Basic kfed command to get some information about your asm disk
Below command will read asm disk DATA1 and give you significant details about disk.
kfed read /dev/oracleasm/disks/DATA1 |egrep -i "kfdhdb.hdrsts|kfdhdb.dskname|kfdhdb.grpname|kfdhdb.fgname|kfdhdb.secsize|blksize|driver.provstr|kfdhdb.ausize"
Sample output –

kfdhdb.hdrsts - Status of disk
kfdhdb.dskname - Name of the disk
kfdhdb.grpname - Name of disk group the disk belongs to
kfdhdb.fgname - Name of failure group the disk belongs to
kfdhdb.secsize - Sector size of disk
kfdhdb.blksize - Blocksize of disk
kfdhdb.driver.provstr - Provision string for use with asm
kfdhdb.ausize - AU size